Transcripts and Recommendations


The UC & CSU's do not require transcripts at the time you apply, but may ask for a transcript after you have completed your 1st semester of your senior year. Then, if you ultimately commit to attend a UC or CSU school, you will need to send a final transcript that reflects your 2nd semester senior year grades to that school! This transcript must be requested before school ends to give ample time to be sent off before the July deadline. Most Community Colleges also require an official high school transcript as part of their application process.

Many scholarship applications will also require an official transcript. To request a transcript, you may submit a request through Parchment. Please return this form to the Registrar's office at HMBHS; if you want the transcript mailed, provide a stamped, pre-addressed envelope.

Letters of Recommendation

All Letter or Recommendation requests are conducted through Naviance. For instructions to request a letter of recommendations, please click here.

The UC's & CSU's do not require letters of recommendation. However, private colleges and most scholarship applications will require both recommendations and transcripts. If students want their counselors to write a letter of recommendation, students must submit their request through Naviance no later than three weeks prior to the due date for your application. This includes requests for future applications, scholarships, and more. Please plan ahead and get your request in 3 weeks in advance & before the end of October. Also, last minute requests cannot be honored! Please be aware that the Counseling Office is closed over the Thanksgiving and Winter Break.

Students can also request Letters of Recommendations from teachers through Naviance. Please speak with the teacher at least three weeks in advance to determine the best way to request a letter. Please note, some schools only accept paper Letter of Recommendations. Be ready to provide your teacher and/or counselor with a stamped, addressed envelope. Recommendations are supposed to be confidential. Students should not ask the writer for a copy! If students need multiple letters of recommendation, they should use the same teachers/counselors for those letters as well.

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