Pathway to College

The following year-by-year course selections, admissions tests, and college preparation activities are recommended for students planning to attend the University of California (UC), the California State University (CSU), or other highly selective private and independent universities. While admission requirements are not the same for all colleges and universities, a strong academic program, along with focused extracurricular activities and community service always give students the best chance of being admitted to the school of their choice. Also see the Half Moon Bay High School Student Planning Guide for a suggested course of study.

The "a-g" Subject Requirements
The college preparatory course pattern is also known as the "a-g subject requirements". The University of California is responsible for reviewing high school courses in the state of California to certify that they meet the college preparatory standard. Check out the site below for the "a-g" Subject Requirements link for more information, as well as to view the list of courses at HMBHS that fulfill them.

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