Concurrent/Dual Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

Half Moon Bay High School students have an opportunity to enroll in community college coursework as well as coursework from other WASC and A-G approved educational providers. Concurrent Enrollment is a program designed to allow current high school students, who are enrolled in the 9th grade or above, to start taking college classes while still in high school. Students can receive both graduation and college credit for coursework successfully completed depending on whether or not the educational provider is a post-secondary institution. Students can also take coursework during the summer and the school year to amend for failing or a D grade that may prohibit students from being A-G ready. Since we are in San Mateo County and work with the San Mateo County Community College District most frequently, what is explained below relates to taking courses from educational institutions from that district (Skyline College, College of San Mateo, and Canada College). The Foothill-De Anza Community College District, as well as other providers, like UC Scout, will need to be addressed on a case by case basis as quarter units, level or rigor, hours required, and alignment with California State Standards for a course will need to be researched and confirmed by counselors. Families will be notified of the equivalency of units to credits when an application is approved. HMBHS will not accept units earned on a transcript without prior approval. See link to the info-graphic and form below. Please read all of the requirements so you understand the terms of concurrent enrollment. Any family that takes courses without approval is not in concurrent enrollment, but acting independently of HMBHS. 

HMBHS Concurrent Enrollment Approval Form

Info-Graphic (Pending)

Documento de política de inscripción simultánea

Graduation Requirements and Advancement

It is important to remember that when a student enrolls in any community college course, the student is building an academic transcript that will follow them for the rest of their academic life. If a student has the unfortunate situation where they fail or withdraw from a class, that failing grade will need to be reported when they apply to college as a senior and/or to any post-secondary institution. These are college courses, as a result, the instructors do expect a certain level of maturity and student responsibility. Community college faculty operate under different guidelines and are not required to discuss a student’s progress with a parent.

While some students may decide to take a community college course to meet graduation requirements, other students may want to take a course so that they can advance in a particular subject area (i.e. in order to take an Advanced Placement or accelerate progress on a pathway). HMBHS offers open enrollment to courses provided students follow the pathway to more advanced courses. However, the school also has to prioritize access to students; seniors are generally given priority to classes as that will be the last academic year that they will have an opportunity to take a course. Please keep in mind that while HMBHS will attempt to accommodate each student, there are finite resources available for course offerings. Given the high number of AP courses we offer for a small school, it may be possible you will not be able to take all the courses you would like when you want to due to conflicts and full classes. Concurrent enrollment is an option for student schedules where there are conflicts that cannot be resolved.


Plan Ahead
Cabrillo Unified School District is committed to helping students continue to take challenging courses and access courses that will expand their knowledge. It is critical that students and families plan ahead and consult with their school counselors to determine if a community college course is an appropriate action or if they should explore other alternatives. Again, please consult and develop a plan with your school counselor and your family.  Please be aware that some courses require prerequisites or corequisites which can delay or prevent the enrollment of certain classes. There may be placement tests to take higher level courses or performance indicators on AP exams of 3, 4, or 5 scores showing you have met a prerequisite. 

How to Enroll in a San Mateo County Community College

College of San Mateo - Skyline College - Canada College - Concurrent Enrollment
Please keep the following process in mind:

  • Meet with your High School Counselor to discuss how it may impact your school schedule, graduation requirements, A-G Readiness, and workload
  • Complete the Half Moon Bay High School Concurrent Enrollment Form to enroll in courses and obtain the necessary signatures for concurrent enrollment from your counselor and administrator
  • Begin the Application Process Skyline College, College of San Mateo, Cañada College or add course[s] if you already are in the system
  • Be sure to give your counselor’s email address so when an electronic approval form is sent by SMCCD it can be signed and returned
  • April - June: Begin Registration of Summer Classes. Approval for summer classes must be approved by HMBHS counselors seven days before the last day of the Spring semester. 
  • May - August: Begin Registration of Fall Classes. Approval for Fall classes must be approved by HMBHS counselors seven days before the last day of the Spring semester. 
  • November - January: Begin Registration of Spring Classes

Important Support Resources:

HMBHS Concurrent Enrollment Form: a required HMBHS form that requires a student’s information/signature, parent/guardian signature, and school official's signature that authorizes the student to enroll in a community college course.  This is an internal document to keep track of what students are taking concurrent enrollment courses. It is mandatory to complete this form and get approval or no credit will be given for courses taken.

Priority Registration: This designation is generally given to full-time community college students who have an educational plan on file and have good academic standing. Concurrent Enrollment students do not typically have priority registration and have to wait to register during the “open registration” period begins.

In Person: Students attend a course in a physical classroom on certain days of the week and time at a specific location.
Online / Distance Learning: Course may be delivered in a virtual learning environment. Students may have an opportunity to enroll in either an asynchronous or synchronous format. Access to technology will be the responsibility of the student and family; however, a CUSD issued Chromebooks should meet any distance learning needs.
Asynchronous Course: Online courses that do not require the student to log-in to a “zoom” session and attend a traditional lecture. The course is generally completed in an independent format, the student will still be required to complete assignments, tests, group projects within a certain time frame.
Synchronous Course: Online courses that follow a traditional course but are delivered virtually. The course usually requires students to log-in to a Zoom session and attend a lecture.
Concurrent Enrollment: A student who is enrolled in two different educational systems. In this case, a student who is enrolled in a traditional high school and a community college. 

Dual Enrollment: Generally a community college course that is offered at a high school. Students enrolled earned high school and college credits simultaneously. Enrollment of these courses is 100% high school students. These courses generally are offered during the traditional academic year.


Courses Outside of San Mateo Community College District

HMBHS Policy on High School Credits

Students must be enrolled in at least 4 in-person courses at Half Moon Bay High School to participate with our concurrent enrollment program. 

Students and families are responsible for the following:

  1. Ensuring outside programs are offered through WASC Accredited institutions and are UC A-G approved. 
  2. Covering the cost of tuition fees and related expenses/requirements.
  3. Students with 504 or IEPs are responsible for sharing their plan with the institution to discuss whether the program is able to implement the plan. The district is NOT responsible for providing accommodations or support for courses outside of our district.
  4. Submitting an official transcript to the school site’s Student Data Analyst upon completion of the course or by the first day of the upcoming academic year. 
  1.  HMBHS will not transfer credit from an accredited institution to the high school transcript under the following conditions: 1. The student takes less than 4 in-person courses.
  2. 2. The course is not from an accredited institution and/or is not A-G approved. 

HMBHS is not responsible for monitoring student progress, providing academic support, or remediating/ supplementing skills/content offered by these outside courses. See the concurrent enrollment form for more details about student/family responsibilities.  


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment, and Advanced Placement?

Concurrent enrollment requires the student to attend an accredited college, either in-person or online.  Course offerings are vast but require high school approval if the student would like to earn high school credit in addition to college credit.

Dual enrollment refers to when a student is able to take a college-level course on their high school campus through an accredited college or university. Dual Enrollment courses are taught by college or high school faculty. A passing grade of C or higher earns the student college credit. Course offerings are limited.

Advanced Placement courses are taught at the high school by a high school teacher who is trained specifically in the college-level coursework. The AP Exams in May offer students the ability to "test out" of a college course when they earn a score of 3 or higher (on a 1 to 5 grading scale). Students are encouraged but not required to take the AP Exam. Students also are not required to be enrolled in a class in order to take the AP Exam. For example, HMBHS does not offer German but a student may request to take the AP German exam by contacting the HMBHS AP Coordinator


How does a student earn college credit through these programs?

For concurrent or dual enrollment, students earn college credit with a passing grade in the class (C or better).

For AP Exams, regardless of the grade earned in the class, students earn college credit with a passing score on the exam (3 or higher).


Do all colleges and universities accept the course credit through these programs?

California community colleges, CSUs and UCs accept passing AP scores and concurrent/dual enrollment college credit. It is highly recommended that students contact individual colleges or universities to confirm their school's policy.


How do I enroll in any of these programs?

Begin with your high school counselor. They will be able to guide you with next steps.

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