June 5th, 2025, 6:00 PM
HMBHS Football Field
Graduation will be live-streamed! Link will be provided as graduation day approaches.
As always, all Live Stream events, past, present, and future, can be found on the HMBHS page at the NFHS Network:
Each participating Graduate will receive 6 tickets for their guests.
Tickets will be given to the Graduates on the last day of Graduation practice (Thursday, June 5th).
If you would like to request extra tickets, please complete this Google Form (link to be posted May 1st) by May 15th.
Each family may request a maximum of 4 additional tickets.
Extra ticket requests will be placed on a Wait List. You will be notified if your request can be fulfilled after the May 15th deadline.
Please note that extra tickets are not guaranteed.
Graduation Ceremony practices will be held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on June 3rd through June 5th.
Plan accordingly to ensure you are on time and attend all practices. Students with jobs should arrange with their employer to have this time off. Practices are within school hours.
Heels are not allowed on the track or field. You cannot walk barefoot, so wear appropriate and comfortable shoes for the practices and ceremony.
Do not bring your cap and gown to practices.
Prior to the ceremony, ensure that your gown is pressed. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when ironing.
Dress appropriately underneath your gown. You will not be able to participate otherwise.
Disciplinary actions, including attendance issues, may result in a student not being allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremony and/or Senior activities or other school-sponsored extracurricular events.
Most importantly, enjoy this celebration! You've earned it!
For any other questions about Graduation, contact:
David Jones at [email protected]
Missed the Jostens Cap and Gown Ordering Days?
You can still order online through this link: Jostens.